Isle of St Jezebeth (WIP 6. small).jpg

The Island of St. Jezebeth


The Isle of St. Jezebeth is the culmination of a project that had been incubating in my mind for a while. St. Jezebeth is an island that has been colonized and settled by a foreign power. The landscape has been populated seeded with representations of colonization familiar from our own world: historical markers that privilege one group’s history, plantation agriculture, etc. I wanted this map to evoke vintage cartography, keeping the color minimal and relying on antique stylings. Further, I wanted to situate the map – in this case as though it were part of an atlas of colonial holdings. I began this project in a hand drawn form, then shelved it for quite a while. I returned to it after I had developed layering, blending, and hand-drawn cartographic skills necessary to achieve this look, and I believe it was worth the wait.